Thursday, February 26, 2009


1. Purchase a spring bouquet (Costco).
2. Take student's picture holding the bouquet of flowers.
3. Cut approx. 5 1/2"x8 1/2" white lined paper.
4. Write the poem on the board. Explain how poem lines always start at the left, each letter at the beginning of the line is a capital, and how poems are not written like a paragraph.
5. Students copy the poem neatly - EXACTLY LIKE ON THE BOARD. Proof. Edit.
6. Each child chooses a foam frame and decorative foam pieces to decorate the frame. Talk about less is good, try not to use too many colors, find colors that compliment each other, think DESIGN, not just adding decorations.
HINT: Get foam every year from the give away programs through Highlights and other magazines. This way foam is free, school has construction paper and maybe envelopes, pictures can be digital and copied on color machine at school. So this is a very LOW COST PROJECT that comes out very nice.
7. Student chooses construction paper that compliments the frame, fold it in half like a book, glue poem on the inside right side and the picture under the frame on the outside.
8. Address an envelope to MOM. This is practice for addressing a card. May need to explain how to address correctly.
9. Put card in the envelope and it is ready to take home the Friday before Mother's Day.
10.Yeah! Teacher gets to take home a beautiful bouquet of flowers to enjoy.

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