Saturday, January 9, 2010


GREAT FOR 1st - 3rd GRADES...Directions to Make:  Print this photo and copy it onto an overhead clear sheet.  Show it on the overhead machine.  Trace the tooth on to white poster board and then draw the 2 children.  Color the children and laminate.  Outline the tooth in pink, making sure there are large letters that are the same color.  Put the large letters on the tooth and laminate.  Copy smaller teeth the same color pink and laminate.  Then copy smaller white teeth (smaller then the pink) and cut out enough for the number of students you will have that year.  Write each child's name on a white tooth and tape it over a pink tooth, that is a bit larger, so it helps make the white tooth stand out from the wall.  Find a place on your wall to put this bulletin board. You can change the look by decorating it for each season - see hat for St. Pat's.  When a student loses a tooth, get a gold sticky star and place it on their white tooth on the wall.  By the end of the year everyone will see how many teeth were lost by your students.  

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