Friday, September 25, 2009


The first week of school send out the attached paper work, stapled together. Parents need to read the information sheet and help their child fill out the sheets.  Have the paper work returned within a few weeks, before other homework becomes an issue.  You then have a years worth of STAR OF THE WEEK BULLETIN BOARD at your finger tips.  Assign each child a week, skipping short or holiday weeks, (I went in alphabetical order, so the parents sort of knew when it was their child's turn to shine).  Remind the children a few weeks before their assigned week.  The student will bring in a poster board with their photos and you will add their paperwork from the beginning of the year.  EASY TRANSITION!  After the child's week, the autobiography/character count papers may be added to their Journal/Memory Book or placed into a growing class book.
P.S.  I made the 1st board about me, the teacher.  That way the students saw what was expected and I modeled the way their oral presentation on each Friday should be given.  Your students also learned a little bit about your life outside of the school setting.

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