Season/Month: Halloween-October
Age/Grade: Primary
Groups: Whole, Small, Center, Individual
Materials: book, picture of monster outline, Halloween Music
1. Choose an appropriate book about monsters to be read: A Monster Under My Bed by James Howe.
2. After the story is read, pass out the monster sheet or have the students draw a monster.
3. Have students follow direction given orally or read. You can make these as difficult or easy as needed.
~ Draw a mouth with # orange teeth.
~ Draw red claws at the ends of your monster arms.
~ Draw # blue eyes above the monster's mouth.
~ Draw green hair on your monster.
~ Draw # blue horns on the monster's head.
~ Think of a name and write it under your monster.
4. After the monsters are completed, add a background (environment) for the monster.
5. As students are adding the background you may play monster music: Monster Mash
6. Share the monsters, telling the name, all about it, where it lives, what it eats...
7. This could easily lead into a writing activity.
8. Post in the hallway or on your website.
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