Friday, March 4, 2011


This project started with the students drawing Easter pictures and designs on milk cartons.  (I had parents cut the cartons into the shape needed.)  Then, we started making the traditional Easter Bunny Basket.  All baskets looked more or less alike.  Finally, we extended the project to students having a choice of which basket to make.
We would do one type of basket a day.  The students who wanted to make that basket would meet in a center with a parent volunteer.  It might take a week to complete all the baskets.  Once the baskets were complete, we planted grass.  You can make this into a science project.  The grass needs about 5-6 weeks to grow.  It helps the seed germinate, to put the baskets in plastic bags (from grocery stores) for a few days.  Watch that you take the bags off before the project gets moldy.  I used grow lights on cloudy days.  On nice days, we put the baskets outside.  I would monitor the baskets.  If some weren't growing, I would add grass.  If it gets too long, let the children used scissors to give it a "haircut".  They love this concept!


  • Gather your supplies and start about three weeks before Easter.  We started earlier to make sure everyone had Easter Grass.

  • Find a shallow container that's just big enough to fit inside the basket you want to use. (Make sure the pot has drainage holes.)

  • Fill the container with potting soil and sprinkle grass seed on top.  I asked the nearest garden shop what to use.  Some years, I would even get the material donated!

  • Place it outdoors in the sun or on a sunny windowsill.
  • Water it daily.  We used a spray bottle.  Each child was in charge of spraying their own each day.

  • Wait until the grass has grown a few inches high and then tuck the container into a basket and let the Easter Bunny fill it with springtime treats.  See DECORATIVE EASTER EGG posting.


    ~ Please send in 3 or more blown eggs by March 1st.  We plan to work on our eggs the week we take the ITBS.  We will make cascarones from the eggs and put them in our Easter Basket.

    ~ Please send in gallon plastic milk jug as soon as possible so we can get them cut for our Bunny Baskets.

    ~ We need parent volunteers to help us make our Bunny Baskets the week of ITBS.  If you can help please let me know.

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