Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Photos show a CALENDAR AREA with a daily thought, a center - draw one of the sentences, and a poetry center. Another photo shows CALENDAR AREA with a thought of the day, a Did You Know Dog (put daily events, like Washington's Birthday), and a Story Problem of the Day. Another photo is the FIRST MONTH OF SCHOOL CENTER featuring an Arthur Bulletin Board that has a First Day of School Poem and directions how to draw Arthur. One wall is RELIGIOUS/CHARACTER COUNTS WALL featuring a Marble Jar Party poster, Classroom Rules, Monthly Song of America. A window sill featured AUTHOR OF THE MONTH with a poster and books by the author. One wall had a center of MAP STUDY that changed routinely to help students learn about the United States in a fun way. The LANGUAGE ARTS WALL had 6 Traits Writing, Rules of Capitalization, Rules of Punctuation, and General Rules of Paper Work. One bulletin board was kept for SOCIAL SCIENCES. Finally the HOMEWORK CHART was kept in the front of the room so students could mark sections each day they brought in all of their homework completed. At the end of the week, we chose one of the sections to go to the PRIZE BOX.

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