This is a great way to begin to understand the newspaper. Begin by having the students make a Pressman's Hat. All children love origami and this is a cute way to include it in a lesson. You might want to give the directions and model doing it for the class. Later, you can publish the directions in your newsletter to your parents. While students are working on their hats, you need to bring in newspapers. You might need to send a note home a few weeks in advance to get enough papers. Discuss the statements on the worksheet before you hand it out. Give directions how to use scissors, cutting and gluing neatly, and appropriate noise level for the activity. Talk about maintaining the border of the paper. You do not want students choosing pictures that are too large for the page. Spend an appropriate time to get this job started and a few completed. Show these to the class to encourage others to complete in a timely manner. Eventually, this will have to become a center or free time activity. You can post these papers on a bulletin board, in the hallway, on your website, in a class book... When you are finished remember to put it in the student's Journal/Memory Book.
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