Thursday, November 3, 2011


We will begin researching and writing our report during class time after ITBS Week.  The New Mexico State Objectives we will cover in Social Studies and Language Arts are:
~ Locate ideas and information about social studies topics.
~ Construct visuals showing historical events in a state.
~ Plan a cultural appreciation event utilizing stories, food, music...etc. that recognize and
    celebrate diverse cultures.
~ Identify varying landforms and geographic features as components of Earth's physical systems.
~ Listen to, read, react to, and retell information.
~ Locate and use a variety of resources to acquire information across the curriculum.
~ Demonstrate competence in speaking to convey information.
~ Apply grammatical and language usage conventions to communicate.
~ Demonstrate critical thinking skills to comprehend written, spoken, and visual information.

The Archdiocese of Santa Fe Concepts we will cover in Social Studies and Language Arts are:
`SS 1.2 Recognize major events that shaped the United States
`SS 1.3 Identify Americans, inventors, and other historical persons who have influenced
             American History
`SS 1.4 Present a written and oral report on an historical event, person, and/or symbol significant to
             our lives as Americans
`SS 1.7 Differentiate between, locate, and use primary and secondary sources
`SS 1.8 Use resources for historical information
`SS 1.9 Use effective communication skills and strategies to share research findings
`SS 1.10 Gather, organize, and interpret information using a variety of media and technology
`LA 1.21 Begin to summarize information
`LA 2.4 Construct a topic sentence as a starter for a paragraph
`LA 2.5 Write two to three support sentences for the topic sentence
`LA 2.8 Write a friendly letter
`LA 2.9 Self-edit for use of capitals and punctuation
`LA 3.6 Utilize encyclopedias as a source of information
Please spend the next few weeks helping your child collect resources to help answer questions that will be sent home weekly.  The library has books on each state, you might write a relative in the state, or write to the Chamber of Commerce.
On-line resources that might prove helpful are: 
Thank you for your support with this project. Third Grade Teachers

Another Note to Parents:

Worksheet for teachers to list which child is doing which state:

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