Friday, March 4, 2011


Sometimes you just want to have fun in your classroom.  This is such a cute poem for Spring.  Young children love it.  While you memorize it, explain what the problem is.  Also look for rhyming words, contractions, adjectives....You can extend this to writing projects about Dipsydoodle.
The Dipsydoodle isn't brainy-
He plays outside when it's cold and rainy.
If he'd only learn to use his noodle.
He wouldn't be called The Dipsydoodle.


  1. I like to give credit where due: this poem is is from the book, Beastly Rhymes, by Jack Hanrahan and Phil Hahn, and is one of the best-loved books from my childhood. I am now 57 and can still recite many of the verses by heart! My mom brought it home for me while my dad was in hospital (or maybe the other way around) :-)

  2. My grandmother had this book, which I cannot find ANYWHERE. I remembered this poem from it and just recited it to a coworker (who is eating dipsy doodle chips) and was shocked to find that someone else had posted about it. Thank you!
