As students recreate this clown, encourage them to name the shapes.  Make sure there are templates for them to trace and a variety of colored construction paper.   See Geonimal Jungle for another project with shapes.  http://okscribbler.blogspot.com/2010/02/geonimal-jungle.html


When students exchange valentines, let them make these whimsical envelopes for storing all those cards.  Construction paper and a little imagination are all you need. 


Students cut out enough red, pink or white hearts to write their name.  Suspend around the room on the walls.  Taken from Copycat Press 1987.  It is out-of-print.  http://stores.ebay.com/Copycat-Store

Saturday, January 30, 2010


A fast way to make your room look festive for Valentine Party!  Easily stored and used year after year.


If your school does a Valentine Parade for the little ones, cut out large paper hearts, label with candy heart sayings and place on students' shoulders.  Cute!


Help students understand landforms by relating them to the area you live in.  Get a map of your community and its surroundings.  Name and mark the landforms with colored paper on the map.  On the side, list the landforms with the definition.  To make it more interesting to your students, get push pins and label with each child's name.  Push the pin on the map where each child lives in the community.  Watch your students look at the board again and again.  
See postings below for other ways to enhance the learning of landforms.


                                                                                                                         STUART LITTLE HALLWAY                      Trace a scene from a book and mark what colors should go in each space.  Give students magazines to tear color scraps from.  Make sure the scraps are no more than 1 by 1 inch in size.  Students glue the scraps in the appropriate spaces onto the drawing.  When completed you have a colored mural of a scene from a favorite book. 


After an author study have the students choose their favorite author book and draw their favorite scene from the book.  Frame and post in in the hallway with the name of the book  What a nice way to encourage others to delve into a good book!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Pair students up for this project.  Have students fill out Web sheet alone.  Give students time to talk about their Web sheets with their partner.  Once they are finished, hand out the Friendship Poem.  Explain the format and have the students work on it together.  It can be published on the bulletin board, on the web and end up in the Journal/Memory Book.


Have students color the design with markers.  Take a picture of the student, cut out head shot in heart shape, glue to small heart.  Put child's name in left bottom triangular spot and grade and date in right side triangular spot.  Can laminate if wish.  Send home as a gift.


Have students set up their paper at the beginning of the day.  Explain that the timer will ring and everyone must stop what they are doing and write down what the time it.  The nice thing about this activity is you can practice the Time Skill the students are working on at that time.


~ DESCRIBE your friend from head to toe
~ tell three things you LIKE about your friend
~ tell three FUN things you've done together with your friend
~ tell three things that make you and your friend LAUGH
~ tell three things that you've DONE for each other

This is set up for Third Grade to help with paragraphs.
It can be adapted for any grade level.
Write and then color FRIEND PAPER


Materials:  Circle traced from paper plate, red and blue construction paper strips, Lincoln and Washington Profiles to trace on black construction paper, and gold stars.  If you prepare all of the materials needed before hand, you can do a teacher demonstration and then leave this activity in a center for the students to do independently.


This is a great project for students to do independently. Make sure you have all of the materials prepared in advance.Double click to print the direction/pattern page.  You will need to complete the slashes to show the students where to cut, prior to copying for the students.  I purchased some old cafeteria trays and had the students do their art projects on the trays.  It lessened the clean-up and  you could just stack the trays  (vertical and then horizontal) to let the projects dry.  If you wish you can have students put cabin on a manila colored constructions paper instead of blue as the directions say.  The students could draw an "environment" around the cabin.


Tune: Oh, Christmas Tree
Oh, Valentine
Oh, Valentine
We bring you love from Jesus
Oh, Valentine
Oh, Valentine
We bring you love from Jesus
His love is true in summertime
But also in the wintertime
Oh, Valentine
Oh, Valentine
We bring you love from Jesus

Tune: Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Jolly old St. Valentine
How'd you ever know
That we'd need a special day
To say, "We love you so!"
Valentine's is here today
So we thought of you
We'll whisper how we love you so
That's just what we will do...
(whisper) "We Love You!"

Tune: We Wish You a Merry Chirtmas
We wish you a happy Val'tines
We wish you a happy Val'tines
We wish you a happy Val'tinesAnd a happy heart day. 
Good tidings to you
We'll love you always
Good tidings on Val'tines
And a happy heart day.


This is a great activity for teaching how to cut a spiral.  It helps younger students if you have the dots on the circle before you start.  So you can make a circle with dotted lines to make a spiral and then copy onto the construction paper.  To help the students with the project you need a place they can hang their work as they add to it.  Maybe you could string a line across the classroom for the activity.  Make sure the line is above student heads, but low enough for them to be able to work with it.  Double click the activity to print a copy for you to use.


Each child receives two papers.  The background needs to be the same color, but the details may be different on each side.  Magic Markers show the best.  Cut out and glue to the milk carton.  Place the cartons in a row similar to a Victorian Village.