Lots of projects, actvities, and ideas. DOUBLE CLICK TO GET LARGE VIEW OR PRINT. Comments are welcome.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Students trace and cut out five (or more) hand prints. On 1st, ALL ABOUT _______ with thumb-stating name, pointer-stating age, middle-stating grade level, 4th finger-stating height and pinky-stating hair color. On 2nd hand, MY FAVORITE BOOKS - each finger names a book. On 3rd hand, MY FAVORITE PEOPLE - each finger names a person. On 4th hand-MY FAVORITE FOODS - each finger names a food. On 5th hand-MY FAVORITE THINGS TO DO - each finger names an activity. These topics can change according to your interest. When you are finished, staple together at the wrist. You could add one more hand. Write What I Want to Be When I Grow Up - list one occupation on each finger, OR My Hopes and Dreams.... And it could go on. Definitely, I would only do one hand at a time, with younger students, to get a better result.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Can blow up and use cafeteria milk cartons as a secure base. Fill with treats and tape on students' desks during the party.
Have students dip mashmallows in chocolate then place them on a gram cracker base. Students stack the dipped marshmallows to make bodies. Decorate with M and M's, chocolate chips, and other small candies. To help attach the candies, poke a hole in the marshmallow using toothpicks. Licorice whips and cotton candy are fun for hair, bubble gum makes a fine scarf, and pretzel sticks can be arms. Get ready to EAT! (Can do a writing or poem if wish)
Have the numbers to sequence on the squares for younger students. White out the numbers so older students can do their own sequence. After students color and cut out, form a time line of the Christmas Story, then have them write the story.
This projects is a spin off from I'M AN EXPERT PROJECT assigned to
Third Graders to
meet a Language Arts Concept. It would be given out late October as a Home Project. Projects would be presented in class the last three days of December. The Popper Project went over so well, we adopted it as a yearly Service Project for our Soldiers. Students brought in toilet paper rolls they had been collecting since September, red, white, and blue tissue papper, ribbon, and decorations, such as glitter, sequins, stickers. They also brought in bags of wrapped candy. One afternoon we made poppers at different stations manned by parent volunteers. Stations included the STEP 2 - wrap popper and tie one end, STEP 3 - fill the popper with candy, sequins, glitter, stickers..., STEP 4 - tie the other end, STEP 5 - decorate the popper with stickers (less is better), LAST STEP - curl the ribbons and attach a signed note card. Classes chose to make their own poppers in their classroom or they came down to our room in small groups to make one. Teachers also came to make a popper during their break time. Parents, Teachers and Students (students did in class) were asked to write short Valentine Cards telling the soldiers how much we appreciate them. All poppers were packed in paper boxes that the school saved for us. Each box had some of the Valentine Cards. Before the lid was put on - the extra sequins, glitter, stickers and candy were sprinkled on top. All boxes were packed ready to be shipped prior to break. We then found families in our school that had loved ones overseas and gave them boxes to ship in January to be received for Valentines. Everyone enjoyed this project. One year a soldier responded back to us and sent us the flag below!
This project was taken from Instructional Fair 8453 Book Projects to Send Home. We did it right before Christmas Break. A lot of the activities presented were Christmas items and many of the students donated the completed items to The Home Bound in the Parish, so it also became a Mini Service Project. See HOW TO MAKE POPPERS PROJECT (for an example) and note how we expanded the student's project to become a yearly Valentine/Patriotic Project to send to our soldiers oversees. http://okscribbler.blogspot.com/2009/12/poppers-for-our-soldiers-project.html